“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.”

-Carl Jung

the perfect combination of Science and Spirituality

“Theta [brainwave] activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz. It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, and sensations. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness.” — Neuro Health

What is ThetaHealing?

ThetaHealing is an exploration through your subconscious.  Through the connection to the Creator Of All That Is, ThetaHealing allows you to access aspects of yourself, memories in your past, and paradigms that typically feel out of reach. 

ThetaHealing is the vehicle that drives you back to where beliefs originated, locating the event, identifying the root of this belief system. 

During your session, I will guide you on a journey through your deep inner world. 

This is where we are able to tap into your core belief system.

Once there, you are able to identify, dissolve, and replace any beliefs that are not based in universal truth. 

Your subconscious mind plays a significant role in manifesting your physical reality— the part of you that co-creates with The Creator of All That Is. 

Once you shift these core beliefs, everything else that flows from them will follow suit. Including your mindset, behavior, and outer experience. 

ThetaHealing wastes no time. You go directly to the Source. 

  • Become aware of your full potential and innate power.

  • Reach your goals faster.

  • Release negative emotions that hold you back. 

  • Heal from physical ailments.

  • Experience more abundance, love, and happiness in your life.

  • Unlock your true purpose and passion.

  • Weild your intuition and creativity in the physical realm.

  • And much more

ThetaHealing Can Help You:

Common Themes Lauren Has Helped Clients Overcome

  • Romantic Relationships: Are you attracting the same type of disappointing partners? Identify the core beliefs that allow this to happen and move past them. We are all worthy of great love. It is time to magnetize the perfect love you deeply desire. 

  • Business and Money: There is a deep money wound within the collective consciousness that may be keeping you plateaued. However, abundance is our birthright. Reclaim this knowledge and allow yourself to thrive financially. 

  • Confidence and Power: I help many people overcome fears and limiting beliefs around claiming their full power. This way, they can show up embodied as their brightest, most brilliant Self. 

  • Ancestral Blocks: It is not uncommon for ancestral patterns to show up. Many times, they have been in your family line for several generations. Free yourself from these outdated paradigms. 

  • Traumatic Memories: If you have experienced a traumatic event, in this lifetime or other, remnants may still be buried in your subconscious. Release the pain and fear of the past, while retaining all the wisdom. 

  • Physical Ailments: The body and mind are interconnected. If you are suffering from a “mysterious” illness, the answer may be hidden in your subconscious. Once this is cleared, the body can heal as it is meant to.